Leftover Scramble

What are you doing for your health today? I’m going to sit less, walk more, make some real food and start a health challenge at my gym. Being mindful of having healthy habits can be difficult and I have fallen into a pattern of only getting my three weekly dance fitness classes in. Three hours a week of aerobic activity is better than doing nothing, but still inadequate for real health. Eight hours or more of inactivity cannot be undone by an hour at the gym. Build more movement into your day. Get a standing desk if you have an office job. Get on the floor during TV time and stretch, roll out with mobility tools or just practice good posture. Take the stairs, park at the far end of the parking lot, walk during breaks even if it is only ten minutes. Make a list of the places you can build in movement throughout your day and check them off as you do them. Katy Bowman, a bio mechanist of the website http://www.katysays.com/ has some great ideas and resources if you truly want to add movement to your life and learn why it matters.

Here is a recipe for that “Ack! I have no bacon” moment that can happen in the morning. Here is an easy leftover scramble that you can make with whatever you have in your fridge.


Leftover Scramble

  • Meat (I had ham)
  • Eggs
  • Veggies (I had cooked sweet potato, kale, broccoli & green onions)
  • 2 tbls fat for cooking (I used ghee)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tsp cumin if you want some additional flavor
  • 1 tsp granulated garlic

Dice meat and sauté in fat until nearly cooked. Add chopped vegetables and cook. Scramble the eggs with the spices and add to the cooked meat and veggies. Cook until eggs are blended with the meat and vegetables and firm.

Use what you have in your fridge! Most of what I cook has no recipe. You learn through practice what works and what doesn’t. Don’t be afraid to experiment in your kitchen.

Paleo Is Not All About Meat


One dietary challenge for me is eating enough vegetables. Meat and other proteins (eggs, fish, poultry) are easy as they are quick and satiating. I have come up with a few ways to sneak more greens like spinach, kale and broccoli into my everyday eating and the frittata is one of them.

I like frittata’s not only because my granddaughter calls them “tata’s”, but because they are quick and easy to make. I use my cast iron skillet to sauté the meat in veggies in before I pour the eggs over the top and slip it into the oven. Easy one pan nutritious breakfast.

Here is the recipe without amounts,  because I want you to exercise your intuitive cooking abilities. You do have them. Flex those cooking muscles and experiment!

Breakfast Frittata

  • Breakfast meat of your choosing chopped. I like bacon and some kind of sausage.  Cut and cook in your oven proof pan.
  • Onion, garlic, kale, spinach and broccoli. Cut in small pieces and sauté with the cooked meat until tender.
  • Scramble your eggs with salt and pepper and dried herbs and pour over the evenly distributed meat and veggies.
  • Bake in the over at 325 degrees for 20 minutes.

These keep well and can be made ahead and pulled out as a quick leftover meal when you are in a rush. You can cut up and freeze if you want to do a large batch.

Enjoy 🙂